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Moosh Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Moosh
Assembly: Moosh (in Moosh.dll) Version: (
public static class Moosh

The Moosh type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAsync(Action)
Asynchronously runs a function.
Public methodStatic memberAsync(Delegate, Object)
Asynchronously runs a function with unlimited arguments.
Public methodStatic memberAsyncT(ActionT, T)
Asynchronously runs a function with a single argument.
Public methodStatic memberCsv(Stream)
Parses a CSV string from an input stream.
Public methodStatic memberCsv(String)
Parses a CSV string.
Public methodStatic memberGet(String, ActionException, StreamReader)
Asynchronously runs an HTTP GET request.
Public methodStatic memberGet(String, ActionHttpWebRequest, ActionException, StreamReader)
Asynchronously runs an HTTP GET request.
Public methodStatic memberList
Mostly redundant, but initializes a list from any IEnumerable.
Public methodStatic memberLogs(Stream)
Creates a logger, with a designated output stream.
Public methodStatic memberLogs(String, Boolean)
Creates a logger, with a designated output filename.
Public methodStatic memberPost(String, DictionaryString, Object, ActionException, StreamReader)
Asynchronously runs an HTTP POST request.
Public methodStatic memberPost(String, DictionaryString, String, ActionHttpWebRequest, ActionException, StreamReader)
Asynchronously runs an HTTP POST request.
Public methodStatic memberPrompt
Prints a string, and awaits the user's response.
Public methodStatic memberPromptN
Prints a string and a newline, and awaits the user's response.
Public methodStatic memberSettings
Reads or creates a CSV settings file with the desired name.
Public fieldStatic memberApartmentState
The default apartment state for asynchronous operations.
See Also